Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Isn't it crazy how we sometimes wish our lives away?  Living from one weekend to the next... come Monday, wishing it was Friday already?  That's how it has been for me as of late (mostly)... and no real reason it should be.  Maybe I need a holiday?! 

Well, luckily Easter and all the extra holidays is just around the corner.  I am taking the 3 working days off in between and going to the Garden Route area to just get away from the routine... 

Ok, so that is also a kind of routine, to go there for my holidays, but when you miss your friends and family from that area it is nice to go there (and it helps if you don't really have much money to do anything that you don't have to pay for accommodation). 

To my family & friends - please don't think I come there for only free accommodation!  I come to see you and spend time with you.  I love you and I love to spend time with all of you!

So, for those taking time off, relax, kick of the shoes and just chill!
For those that will be working, good on you!

Enjoy the holidays!  Safe travels!

1 comment:

Ilse said...

Hey, jy moet jou vakansietjie baie geniet. Rus uit, chill, lag, kuier, ek hoop jy doen al die dinge wat jy nodig het om te recharge! Hoop jy kry tyd om te reflect oor wat Paasnaweek beteken, miskien lekker sharing met die familie en net tyd van dankbaarheid oor die awesome gift wat Jesus gegee het. Sien jou daar!