Hey all readers of my blog... hehehe.
So, as some of you may know, I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle, by eating healthy and ... yes... you guessed it - exercising!!!
For exercising I have started to do some nice brisk walking in my neighbourhood (for those who don't know my neighbourhood - it is in a hilly area - very beautiful). After a few times of doing this, I woke up one day with my knee aching very much, which continued to happen the rest of the day. Needless to say - I did not go on my intended walk that evening. (Knee injury from falling of scooter in bad weather a long time ago.)
At first it seemed like the weather could have been the only reason for my knee being aggravated... but then I started to think (yes this happens occasionally) that maybe the walking is doing it to the knee. So, the second day after the knee ache I went for another nice brisk walk... I did not get as far as I normally do, and the knee started to give me trouble again.
Having mentioned this to my sister, Ilse, she suggested I try cycling. Ilse & her husband, Natie, was kind enough to lend me a bicycle (seeing I did not own one - BIG SURPISE :-) and I did not want to buy one either - at least not yet).
Natie then also suggested I download an application to my mobile from the website Edomondo (click on the Title of this blog as the link is created there). This site is totally free and it helps you to track your exercising - like where you cycled, how fast, how far, your speed, etc. This is not just for cycling - it is for just about any sport - check it out on their website! One catch though, it will only work on a mobile phone with a GPS (no problem for all you yuppies out there like myself hehehehehehehehehe).
Today (Sunday, the 1st of August 2010) I went for my first cycle, unfortunately I forgot to download this application before I went, so that one won't show on my workout history. I did do a quick test run and saw how it looked on my workout history. Very cool - it is a google map and clearly shows my exact route and speed, altitude, etc.
This is a really fun way of keeping track of how far... now if anyone asks me (after my next cycle and the ones thereafter) how far did I go - I can check on the site - totally awesome!!! This way I can also see the regularity of my exercises and ensure I exercise at least 3 times a week if not more.
So, go on the internet from your laptops/pc's/mobiles/whatever... download the application (if your phone is supported - they show which ones are supported) and start exercising! Join in the fun and get healthy in the process!
Well, that's me for now - till next time!